Ver Cemetery of Splendour en streaming

Regarder Cemetery of Splendour en streaming
Cemetery of Splendour

Cemetery of Splendour Streaming

  • Genres: Drama, Fantasía
  • Release Date: 02/09/2015
  • Duration : 2 horas 10 minutos
  • Director: Apichatpong Weerasethakul
  • Production: The Match Factory, Louverture Films, Tordenfilm, ZDF/Arte, Geißendörfer Film-und Fernsehproduktion, Detalle Films, Astro Shaw, Kick the Machine, Anna Sanders Films, Asia Culture Centre-Asian Arts Theatre, CNC, Illuminations Films
  • Country: United Kingdom, United States of America, France, Thailand, Germany, Malaysia, South Korea, Mexico, Norway
6 /10
161 votes


Una solitaria ama de casa de mediana edad atiende a un soldado con la enfermedad del sueño, cayendo en alucinaciones que desencadenan en sueños extraños, fantasmas y romances.
